Junior Sport

Junior Sport

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Sunshine Coast Primary Schools Water Polo Competition

On Monday evening the Sunshine Coast Primary Schools Water Polo Competition kicked off at St Andrews College with grading games taking place.

PLC has had a fantastic response to Water Polo this year with a record three PLC teams nominated in this competition. This year we also opened up this competition to our Year 3 students with a number of these students playing their first game on Monday evening.

Well done to our PLC Team 1 who won all three of their grading games and will now play in Division A this season. Congratulations also to our PLC 2 and PLC 3 teams who had many students playing their first game of competitive Water Polo on Monday night and will now play in the Division B and Division C competitions respectively. All players benefited from the grading games and will improve as the season progresses.

Primary Soccer Development Sessions – K3 Coaching

Starting next Monday afternoon in Week 5, PLC will be offering Soccer Development Sessions here at PLC through K3 Coaching. These sessions are funded through the Sporting Schools government initiative and are limited to 50 participants due to funding and coaching limitations. There are only limited spaces left in the program.

Sessions will run from 3:15 – 4:15pm on the following dates:

Monday 24th February

Monday 3rd   March

Monday 10th March

Monday 17th March

Monday 24th March

The program will be split into two groups based on year levels with Mini Kickers (Prep – 2) and Super Kickers (Year 3-6) working on skills and game play during these sessions. If you would like your child to be part of this program, please email Mr Darren Hooper dhooper@pacluth.qld.edu.au  to register your child.

District and Regional Sporting Trials

Following is a table of sport and dates for District and Regional trials throughout the year. Trials are open to students in the 10 – 12 years age group. Students wishing to trial should be at a high level in their chosen sport and need to be able to play competitively in an outside-of-school competition for this sport. 

There are a number of sports that are trialing in the next few weeks, if your child is interested in attending these trials, please register prior to the cutoff date. No late registrations will be accepted.

If you would like to find out further information or register your child for one of these sports, please email Mrs Lisa Muir, PLC Sports Administrator lmuir@pacluth.qld.edu.au  

Mr Darren Hooper, Head of Junior Sport P-6
