Joy in Small Acts of Daily Service

Joy in Small Acts of Daily Service

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

Small acts of daily service make a world of difference for many. Simple things like opening a door, carrying something, including someone in our activities or conversation, tidying a space, taking the bin out, or packing the dishwasher are small acts of service. When someone cooks a meal or goes shopping for us, they too are serving us. Often when we think of serving others we can be drawn to consider bigger, more public events rather than the daily opportunities we have to use our time and gifts to help others. When we do these things out of love for other people and with joy in our hearts, small acts of service become big moments. 

A strong theme of Jesus’ teachings was to use our gifts to help others. Pausing to be grateful for the small acts of service we receive and then taking the small opportunities to make a difference to others, spreads a contagion of joyful action.
