Japan Careers Evening

Japan Careers Evening

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Japan Careers Evening – Thursday 10th August 5.30pm – 7.30pm Hybrid event

The Australia Japan Society of Queensland is hosting its annual Japan Careers evening on Thursday 10th August. This year the event will be co-hosted with the Japanese Consulate General of Japan Brisbane for the delivery of the event. The new Consul-General Mr Gomakubo will make an opening speech and is looking forward to meeting students. This annual event highlights the advantages of studying the Japanese language and connects the audience to professionals who have learnt Japanese and have successfully utilized the language as part of their career paths.

The event will be a hybrid event with the option to attend in person at the Consulate-General of Japan in Brisbane or online via Zoom.

A Consulate–General of Japan representative will also present information on next year’s JET Programme. The JET program is a Japanese Government initiative and has provided the platform for hundreds of Queenslanders to work in Japan and deepen their understanding of Japan.


Arabella Dove, TOLL

Candice Ungerer, Trade and Investment Queensland, Queensland Government

Michelle Allan, Duchesne College, University of Queensland

Presentations will be followed by a chance to chat with all presenters afterwards.

For registration, please follow the following links.

In-Person Registration https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/australia-japan-careersevening-in-person-tickets-tickets-667412457627?aff=oddtdtcreator

Online Registration https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/japan-careers-evening-onlinetickets-tickets-671278109897?aff=oddtdtcreator

Mrs Virginia Schlotterbach, Acting Head of Department, Japanese
