It is Almost That Time

It is Almost That Time

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Included in newsletter

As the end of another school year quickly approaches and the focus for students and families turns from school life to holidays, Christmas, and the New Year, we would like to thank all the parents and friends of the College for your valued support throughout the year.

In classrooms, on the sporting field, in cultural endeavors, and at social events your presence and assistance are much appreciated and valued by students and staff. The educational journey at Pacific is very much a journey shared between parents, staff, and students. Throughout the year, large numbers of parents have helped and supported their children, the staff, and the College Community. As the year reaches its conclusion, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy, safe, and enjoyable vacation and a blessed Christmas and New Year.

ELC to Year 5 Carols

K-5 Carols will be held this Friday 24th November at 5.00pm in the PLC Gym. Friends of Pacific will be running a BBQ from 4.30pm. Please check communication from your child’s teacher in regard to costume, arrival time, and where to meet.

P-5 Closing Service

Monday 27th November, commencing at 8.45am is the Closing Service for P-5. The service marks an important transition for all students, particularly our Year 5 cohort who move next year to Middle College and our Year Two students who move from Foundation College into the Junior section of the College. Academic Excellence and Endeavour Awards will also be presented to students in Years 3-5. All parents and family members are most welcome at this important event. Morning tea will be provided for parents at the conclusion of the Ceremony.


Term 4 reports for students in Prep to Year 5 will be posted in the Parent Lounge on the College website. You will also be able to see annotated samples of work for English and Maths – P-3 on Seesaw and Year 4 and 5 in Nav. This ongoing feedback is in addition to your child's report.

Mrs Sue Zweck, Head of Teaching and Learning K-5