Information Evenings

Information Evenings

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If you missed recent information evenings for senior students, the following key points were covered with Careers information handouts provided. Please contact me if you require further information or missed out on receiving these.

Self-Awareness: Assist your student to continue to develop their self-awareness and make connections between career and study pathways with interests, strengths and values throughout the year.

Decision Making: Observe how your student makes decisions – is it talking it through with many people, having experienced something first hand or having all the information first? What will help your student to make informed career and study pathway decisions?

Opportunity Awareness: Engage in opportunity awareness around future pathways – through work shadowing, workplace visits, work experience, informational interviews, networking, visiting Tertiary and Career Information and Open Days or engaging in university programs over the holidays. Research what is out there and experience what it looks and feels like.

Action Planning: Research, set smaller, more achievable weekly goals around study, work, career or study research and tick them off more regularly once achieved, reflect on your journey to date and keep exploring and building your knowledge and self-awareness.

Mrs Natasha Purcell, Careers Counsellor