Information Evening and Expressions of Interest - New Zealand Expedition

Information Evening and Expressions of Interest - New Zealand Expedition

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

Planning for the seventh New Zealand Expedition is well underway.  This is a unique 22-day traverse of the South Island of New Zealand where the participants tramp, mountain bike and raft from Hokitika (west coast) to Kaikoura (on the east coast).  There is also a 14-day option where this group of participants will join the rest of the expedition part way through at Boyle River, near Hanmer Springs.  The group shall cross seven mountain passes over 1000 metres, paddle 270kms of the Clarence River and ride some very remote valleys.  Pacific Lutheran College has access to a number of areas that the community normally is not allowed to traverse.  A very important aspect of the expedition is looking at the Maori history and spirituality as the group travels through the various landscapes.

The expedition is open to all members of the Pacific community (students Years 9 – 12 2019, staff and families).  At present the approximate cost for the 22-day expedition is $5200 which includes airfares, expedition equipment, food, transport and accommodation.  The 14 day program will be approximately $3800.  Participants will be required to supply their own sleeping bag, rain jacket and tramping shoes.

A meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 25th at 6.00pm in D8 for anyone wishing to hear more about this adventure.  There is no commitment to signing up for the expedition at this stage but to see whether there is enough interest to continue with further planning.

Parents, students and staff are requested to contact Peter McMahon 5436 7381 or 0448 277 789 for further information and/or to advise if they are attending the meeting.  Parents wishing for further information but are unable to attend the meeting are also requested to contact me on the above numbers.

Mr Peter McMahon, Head of Bula House
