Important Websites
Important Websites
Thursday, 16 February 2017 - 11:25am
At the Parent Information Evenings this term, I made reference to some of the following sites to encourage deeper exploration into careers, courses (Tertiary or TAFE) and pathways. Here are the links again for quick reference, save them to your favourites!
- PLC Careers Provides information about the senior phase and post-school options, links for further information. Secure student section for creating resumes and taking career interest tests.
- My Future Sign in to explore occupation or course information, case studies, bullseye posters and career quizzes.
- My Profiler TAFE Take the picture quiz to see which TAFE courses may suit your pathway.
- My Big Tomorrow Watch videos of various professions.
- QTAC The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre provides information and outlines application processes to Tertiary study (and some Diploma courses through TAFE or Private Institutions).
- QILT The Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching website compares universities and courses based on graduate feedback.
- Australian Apprenticeships Steps to becoming an apprentice, Group Training, National Skills Needs List.