The Humble Service of Giving

The Humble Service of Giving

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In Matthew 20:20-28, we encounter a profound lesson on humility from the teachings of Jesus. The passage tells the story of a mother's request for her sons to be seated at Jesus' right and left hand in his kingdom. Jesus uses this moment to teach his disciples about true greatness and the essence of humility.

Instead of seeking positions of power and prominence, Jesus urges his followers to adopt a different mindset—a mindset characterised by servanthood. He emphasises that greatness in the kingdom of heaven is not about lording over others but about serving them with humility and love. Jesus himself serves as the ultimate example of humility, as he came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

This message is one we can all take with us into our daily lives at Pacific! It reminds me of the importance of humility in our own lives. In this day and age, it's so easy to get caught up in the pursuit of recognition and status. However, Jesus calls us to a higher standard—to humble ourselves and serve others selflessly.

Every year, we come together as a school community throughout the month of May to gather non-perishable food donations for the Salvation Army's Red Shield Appeal. Once again, this is happening at PLC, and what better way to demonstrate in a practical way the principle of humility. By collecting and giving food to those in need, we are serving our community with humility and compassion, following in the footsteps of Jesus.

To participate in the Red Shield Appeal this year, all families from P-12 are invited to contribute if they feel called to. Non-perishable food and household items can be brought into school up until the 27th May. P-5 students can bring these to their classroom or place donations directly in the Library foyer area; while 6-12 students can take donations to their PCG rooms.

In this act of giving, we demonstrate that true greatness is not measured by wealth or status, but by our willingness to humble ourselves and meet the needs of others. Even the smallest act of kindness can make a difference in someone's life, and in doing so, we serve others with humility - reflecting the love of Christ and inspiring others to do the same.

Mr Mark Hauser, College Chaplain