Growing Through Community

Growing Through Community

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Included in newsletter

Every day we encounter people who make a difference in our lives. For young people, significant adults who make a difference include parents, grandparents, extended family members, teachers, coaches and friends of the family. Being in community means we are each shaped by the daily interactions we experience. Within our community we have many adults who give their time generously to provide better opportunities for children. We have people of all ages who say thank you, provide a helping hand or an encouraging word to lift others when needed. The mutuality of who we are as people to each other is modelled, caught and shared. Each of us, no matter our age is significant. Each of us adds to community through being connected, giving our best and responding to the needs we see.

As we end this week and move into the next, it is timely to think of those people who have made a difference for us personally and to say thank you. A small note or a word of thanks can make a significant difference. We are greatly enriched by the people God brings into our lives.
