Growing Independence and a Sense of Responsibility

Growing Independence and a Sense of Responsibility

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Recently whilst on car park duty, I asked a young student if he had his hat with him. He replied rather sheepishly that he had left it at home. I reminded him that he needed a hat at lunch break and that if he did not bring it to school he would not be able to play on the oval. His dad, who was helping other children get out of the car, thanked me for questioning his son as he, like many parents, is working towards making his son more independent and responsible for himself.

As parents, we are all naturally protective of our children. However, if we want our children to be independent, resilient, confident individuals, it is important that they are given opportunities to be responsible. Carrying school bags, answering questions themselves, remembering hats and uniforms are all simple tasks that can lead to developing responsible individuals.

Speaking of dads, we wish them all a happy Father’s Day on Sunday. According to dads are “part companion, part playmate, part teacher, part pastor, part chef, part protector, part judge and jury, part coach and forever father”. Like mums, who also fulfil a multitude of roles, being a dad involves a lifelong commitment to all of the above and more. Have a great day!

Thank you to our Friends of Pacific for their organisation and leadership of the Father’s Day Stall this week. Students appreciated the variety of gifts available and enjoyed selecting something special for their dads.

Prep – Year 2 Athletics Carnival

The day has almost arrived! The Prep – Year 2 Athletics Carnival will be held on Monday 2nd September from 1.00pm. Parents are most welcome at this exciting event.

Mr David Druery, Head of Staff and Students P-5