Getting Started Warms Up Motivation
Getting Started Warms Up Motivation
Motivation grows through making a start. Like a cold engine, our motivation grows as we engage in an activity. Establishing simple routines that lead into an action, sees us getting into an activity without thinking. Getting up in the morning and putting on our walking or running shoes can get us moving into exercise. Sitting down at a desk and listing tasks to work on can get us into home learning. By getting started, our minds automatically move into action without having to make decisions. The key is to establish rituals and routines that enable us to move forward and build a habit of doing. By making the same start, engaging in action that leads to a worthwhile goal and following the same patterns, we establish a habit of doing. Through this habit of doing, performance and motivation can grow.
God has given us the great gift of free choice and a life time to explore and grow our potential. It is worth being intentional.