The Gaining of Wisdom
The Gaining of Wisdom
The gaining of wisdom is a lifelong journey where we can learn from our own experiences and the experience of others. Wisdom can be gained as we learn through both the successes and mistake-making in life, through the stories that others share, through what we read and what we experience. Engaging in conversation and being open to testing our thinking against the thinking of others can also expand our thinking and wisdom. There is generational wisdom held in the stories of families. We can tap into the wisdom of many as we explore stories of the past and other cultures.
Reflecting on the stories within the Bible is a great source for the growth of wisdom. One of the strong themes of the Bible is the mistake making of those in close relationship with God and Jesus and how He calls them back to be in relationship with Him. This is an important model for us in the way we respond when we or others let people down. Within these stories, there is forgiveness, people learning through the experience, restoration of the relationship and the encouragement to go and do better. Importantly it speaks to us about our relationship with God. Nothing can put us outside of His love. He comes to us at our lowest and our worst and invites us to grow with and through Him and then live doing better for ourselves and others. This is a great source of hope.