Farewell to Ms Dearnaley

Farewell to Ms Dearnaley

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The library staff are sad to say goodbye to Ms Madison Dearnaley who is finishing this week. Ms Dearnaley has been a favourite with staff and students alike and we will miss her warm manner, extensive knowledge of children’s literature and amazing IT skills. Good luck, Maddy!

Book Club

Book Club orders went out this week to students in Prep to Year 7. Please place orders online by Sunday 25th July.

Book Week

This term we are gearing up towards Book Week in Week 7. This year’s theme is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds. Mrs Griffin has been busy over the holidays creating an amazing display. Pop into the library to have a look. More information will be forthcoming about our Book Week competitions and activities, including, of course, our dress up day.

Clay Creatures

The library staff hosted a clay creatures session at the staff retreat day this week. Staff got creative using clay, craft materials and found natural objects to make a sculpture. The tactile, sensory nature of the activity encouraged mindfulness and playful exploration and was a very popular session on the day.

Ms Narelle Keen, Teacher Librarian
