Every Day Is A Day To Act

Every Day Is A Day To Act

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Last Friday as a College, we acknowledged and supported the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. Importantly, we need to take a stand against bullying behaviour every day. This year there was a focus on promoting the role of being an ‘upstander’ when witnessing behaviour that is causing harm to others. An upstander may engage in a number of actions including asking the person to stop causing the harm, reporting it to a member of staff or going to the Wellbeing Centre or their class teacher. It may also be that an upstander stands with the person being harmed to show them support or removing them from the harm. Naturally, as a College we would also seek to educate first and foremost our students as to the nature of bullying and why we as a College stand by our core values of Care, Dignity and Respect for all members of our community. Ultimately, we encourage all students who feel affected by bullying behaviour to speak to a trusted adult. This may take courage. Within the restorative practices approach we take to repair relationships, speaking about behaviour is the first step to healing and being able to move forward. If you would like any advice regarding this, please reach out to your child’s PCG teacher or any of the Pastoral Care team at the College.

Year 7 Physical Theatre

It was great to be able to visit Mrs Kristy Astwick’s Year 7 Drama class last week. Students were working in pairs to develop a short sequence of movements to music that involved quite a degree of physicality. Their capacity to simply use their bodies to express emotion and create a performance was great to see. The addition of a chair to incorporate into their performance added a degree of difficulty and flair. There is a significant body of research that reinforces the benefits to our overall wellbeing, of moving our bodies and being physically active each day. I encourage all students to find the time and space to engage in some form of physical activity or sport. I also thank Mrs Astwick for allowing me to watch the students as they learnt a creative way of performing.

ANZAC Day – Save the Date

Sunday 25th April will be our annual march for ANZAC Day. Those attending will be required to pre-register via QR code. Further details will be sent to families.

I wish all families a lovely Easter break at the end of next week following what has been a positive and purposeful term. I thank you all for the support you have given over the last few months as we continue to grow the hearts and minds of our young people.

Mr Ben Ryan, Director of Students