Energised by Purpose

Energised by Purpose

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We are energised when we have a positive sense of purpose within our family, school, workplace and community. Each of us can begin shaping that purpose by being determined to make the most of moments to grow and learn and to be the best we can be. We bring energy to ourselves and others around us by doing our best in everything we do. Martin Luther King spoke powerfully to this when he spoke to a group of students in 1967.

“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as a Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, 'Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.

Be a bush if you can’t be a tree. If you can’t be a highway, just be a trail. If you can’t be a sun, be a star. For it isn’t by size that you win or fail. Be the best of whatever you are.” (Martin Luther King Jnr, 1967)

Our purpose grows through being the best that we can be in every role that we have. God has given us gifts and talents that will grow and develop as we use them. 

King Jnr, Martin Luther. (1967). What Is Your Life’s Blue Print? in (2017). Martin Luther King Jr: An extraordinary life. Seattle Times. https://projects.seattletimes.com/