Dogs Connect Announcement

Dogs Connect Announcement

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Included in newsletter

Pacific Lutheran College is excited to announce that we are now a ‘Dogs Connect’ School.

Dogs Connect is a wellbeing and resilience program that will see the introduction of a new staff member-in-training, Koda, to our College community.

Koda is a 20-month-old Golden Retriever, who has a friendly, inquisitive and gentle temperament. He loves to play, meet people, swim and take long walks on the beach. Koda is looking forward to starting his first job in mid-August at the College.

The Dogs Connect program has been implemented in a range of mainstream educational settings in Australia with intended outcomes being to support students and staff to value connection with each other and celebrate wellbeing in schools.

We have a core team of staff “Mentors” who are committed to wellbeing and have been working hard in the Dogs Connect Training Program since January. Our team of mentors will be caring for Koda while he is ‘working’ at Pacific.

The Dogs Connect program will continue to provide training and support as we introduce Koda into our College community gradually over the coming months.

Connection with Koda will be offered across our Middle and Senior College and some areas of our Junior College. There are many different ways students can participate in the program and connect with Koda. We will endeavor to support connection in ways that are comfortable and enriching for all involved.

We encourage anyone who would like to know more about this program to look through the website links below:

Community Introduction - YouTube

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Head of Learning Enrichment, Mrs Chantal McAllister at or Head of Learning Enrichment P-5, Mrs Sara Taverner or Director of Students

Mrs Chantal McAllister, Head of Learning Enrichment
