Deep Connections Have Enhanced Agency

Deep Connections Have Enhanced Agency

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Included in newsletter

One of the great strengths at Pacific is the very strong partnerships and connections that exist between College Council, staff, students and parents. This year has been a very good year where we have celebrated the growth in our young people, staff and the growth of the College over its 20-year history.  We have an amazing team of teachers who have had a very strong focus on connecting with and supporting the very best learning within our young people.  We are blessed to have a team of teachers who are continually open to reflecting deeply, to growing their craft and exploring innovative ways to better equip young people to grow their agency and thrive as students and into the future. Our support staff have provided tremendous service to our community, often going well beyond what would be expected and have also led improved practices within the College. Our parents have connected strongly to support their children’s growth and learning and provided greater opportunity through a range of voluntary roles within the College. Our College Council has been thoughtful and future focused and provided strong effective leadership. Our students have engaged with enthusiasm and goodwill and brought a rich culture to life. One of the great joys of working within education is to see young people continually extending themselves, enhancing their agency and growing across all areas of life. It is energising!

Thank you to the College Council, staff, students and parents for your goodwill and connection.  We thank God for the people He has brought into our community and their hearts for deep connection and service. God has blessed us richly as individuals and as community. We say a prayer of deep gratitude for all He has given us. 
