Cyber Safety

Cyber Safety

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This week, Senior College students viewed the first part of ‘Tagged’, a film created as part of the Australian Government's Cybersmart initiative (managed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)). The film is a case study that outlines the ramifications when young people make poor choices with digital media, highlighting the impact on various stakeholders such as peers, parents, the school, the community, the police and the individual.

‘Tagged’ encourages young people to reflect on their use of technology and the real life consequences that can be caused by poor choices regarding cyber-safety, sexting and digital reputation. Personal and peer safety and responsibility are crucial to maintaining positive online interactions and digital reputation into adulthood.

Digital reputation and use of technology continues to be a focus at the College. ‘Care, Dignity and Respect’ is a key theme that the College emphasises in building relationships and growing others and self. Whether a young person is using a pen and paper or an electronic device as a communication tool, they should be thinking before posting or writing and when at school, using the device for educational purposes only. As a community, we all need to be mindful of the instantaneousness, public nature, highly accessible, global scope and reach and also the permanency of electronic communication.

ACMA states, “As a parent, you play a crucial role in helping your child have safe and positive experiences online. By understanding how children and young people use the internet, the risks they face and the strategies to manage risks, you can help enable your children to enjoy the best of the online world”. For further information and to access the clip, visit:

We all have a responsibility to think before we act and post to ensure the ‘care, dignity and respect’ of others and ourselves. Senior College students will conclude viewing this film at the Week 4 assembly.