Creating a Climate of Care

Creating a Climate of Care

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Many of us are familiar with the well-known saying of ‘be the change you want to see’. The way we interact with others creates the climate that surrounds us in our families, friendships, work places and other community groups. Seeing ourselves as having the capacity to shape the atmosphere around us, moves us from seeing ourselves as being blown by windy emotions of others, to being centres of warm, thoughtful, purposefulness and open to caring for others. In this way we become fully human. Committing to being people of care, compassion and dignity enables us to become the calm, still places where relationships and people flourish.

God invites us to be clear in what we stand for. Jesus told the disciples that the two great commands were to love God with all your heart and to love your neighbour as yourself. Standing firm with these two premises in our hearts means we are people through whom God’s love can flow. On those inevitable days where we fall short, we are invited to ask for God’s forgiveness and be re-centred through His forgiveness and love.
