Connecting College and Community

Connecting College and Community

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

International Women’s Day Breakfast

Friends of Pacific are pleased to support the College’s upcoming International Women’s Day Breakfast next Friday 11th March. We encourage you to come along and join in the celebration, as it has always been a great morning for the community.

Understandably, it can be difficult to organise the family for a 7.00am start, but please remember the College welcomes the whole family (not just females) to attend.

With the unfortunate cancellation of the Welcome BBQ earlier this year, the breakfast will provide a relaxed atmosphere for our community to connect and enjoy the culture we have at Pacific.

Car Park Raffle

Would you like to win a reserved car space at the College? The car park is adjacent to the Kindergarten and will be yours until the end of Term 2. Tickets are only $2 each and need to be returned to the office by Friday 11th March. The winner will be notified by phone and be announced in the newsletter. Click here for further information.

Date Claimer – Next Meeting

The next Friends of Pacific meeting is Tuesday 15th March at 7.00pm in the library. This will be the last meeting prior to the Easter break. We welcome everyone to attend.

Mrs Tracey Hindmarsh, FoP Chairperson
