Connecting College and Community

Connecting College and Community

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Included in newsletter

Throughout 2016, Friends of Pacific (FoP) embraced the College theme of ‘Growing Deep’. Through various activities and events held through the year, there was a much wider and deeper connection with those associated with Pacific Lutheran College. This included students, parents and staff but also extended to the business community and local residents of the Caloundra area.

Much of this was achieved through the staging of OCEANfest. It never fails to be an event of connection, community and fun! The ‘Carnivale’ theme of activities and entertainment only added to the enthusiastic atmosphere. The incredible support from the College community, parents and local businesses made it a great success. Thank you to NewWave Orthodontics for once again being our Platinum Sponsor and thank you to Mrs Mel Pollack and Mrs Jenny Lee for their enthusiasm, leadership and time in bringing OCEANfest together. In 2016, FoP also supported other College events such the inter-house sports carnivals and Open Day as well as running other initiatives like the Mother’s and Father’s Day Stalls. Also this year, we assisted with a successful grant application to run the Cycle Skills program in 2017. As a result of the fundraising from all the events this year, we're very grateful to be able to contribute $40 000 to the College, which will assist with the provision of solar panels and other capital projects.

Pacific Together is another initiative of Friends of Pacific and is a contact point for Pacific families or staff who are in need or are experiencing challenging situations. The group offers support by preparing meals and assisting with day-to-day activities. Should you want to make contact, please do so through the FoP email address: Any communication remains confidential.

FoP would like to acknowledge the Parent Representatives who played a key role in assisting with the flow of communication and who supported us so strongly in many events this year. We thank everyone who connected with FoP this year, no matter what that connection was, as it all adds up to creating a community. Going forward into 2017, it’s important that we remember there are many in our community who are willing to be in involved – sometimes we just have to ask. I'm very excited that the committee for 2017 has extended and includes many of the current committee plus new members.

On behalf of the 2016 committee I extend our support to the incoming 2017 Executive of Jenny Lee as Chair, Esta Styles as Vice-Chair, Deni Fowler as Secretary and Penni Buchanan as Treasurer.

Thank you to the 2016 committee of Allyson Sarvari – Vice Chair, Sanet Strong – Treasurer, Kath Barry – Secretary, Leah Croke, Julie Hoffman, Jenny Lee, Sophie McKenzie, Mel Pollack, Nikki Stacey, Ian Barnes, Deni Fowler, Karen Petfield. Also thank you to Dr Bronwyn Dolling and Pastor Tim Jarick who continually support FoP, along with College Council and St Mark’s Lutheran Church.

Finally, we wish you all a safe and relaxing holiday and a very Merry Christmas.

Mrs Tracey Hindmarsh, FoP Chairperson
