Compassion at the Heart of Respectful Relationships

Compassion at the Heart of Respectful Relationships

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Having compassion for people, in our families, schools, workplaces, and community groups is at the heart of building respectful relationships.  A culture of compassion is built upon small acts of kindness, where people respond to the needs of each other and where the dignity of the other person is preserved, particularly in times of difficulty.  Discussing acts of compassion within stories is a great way for people of all ages to reflect and grow compassion. 

The story of the Good Samaritan in the Bible is one narrative that helps us to reflect on the way we respond.  Like the two people that walked by, we can sometimes be too busy or not tuned into helping those who come from different groups or perspectives.  It is good to slow down and be conscious of those times where we can make a difference by crossing the road.
