Compassion Colours Our World

Compassion Colours Our World

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Viewing the world with compassionate eyes slows us down and forces us to listen deeply to each other.  In being compassionate we are walking with people, sharing their joys and pains in full colour.  There is time to be present and attentive.  Compassion requires us to be thoughtful in how we speak about others and to others.  We can grow compassion in ourselves and our circles by looking for those opportunities to pause and respond with compassion.  This may be by being kind to another person in need.  It may be standing up in a group or conversation where thoughtlessness reduces the dignity of another person.  Having the courage to live with compassion creates space in our lives to be fully human. 

We are proactive more than reactive.  It keeps the front part of our brain alive.  Jesus lived with compassion for people.  Through Jesus, God showed compassion for people of all time.  Even in His final moments Jesus showed compassion to the thieves dying on the cross with him.  We can trust that God always listens compassionately to us.  We can respond by challenging ourselves to act with compassion in the small and large opportunities that present every day.   We can colour life through compassion.
