Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone

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There was a palpable energy emanating from the students as they arrived back on Tuesday after a well-deserved break over the summer. It was evident that there were many stories to share between friends and staff as they caught up in their Pastoral Care Groups (PCG). I was most impressed with the way students presented themselves as they entered the College, wearing their uniform with pride. I sincerely hope that this zest for life continues deep into the year. The commencement of any academic year is always a time for fresh starts blended with a sense of hope and purpose for new learning and the excitement of the challenges that awaits each student. Some challenges may be obvious to students or some may arise out of their own curiosity for learning new things. Regardless of what the challenge is, it is my hope that this year every student is made to feel a little uncomfortable. What might appear to be somewhat unfair in their eyes, it is only through being challenged to get out of their comfort zone that the experience of trying new things will enable personal growth. It is an important aspect of education that we are consistently stimulating the hearts and minds of our young people to step out of their comfort zone in order to reach their true potential; a potential that we believe has already been created by God through the gifts that each has received.

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all families associated with the Pacific Lutheran Community and especially to those who are joining the PLC community for the first time like myself and my young family. I hope that together we can support each other on our journey this year.

Mr Ben Ryan, Director of Students