Class Allocation 2022

Class Allocation 2022

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Included in newsletter

This time of year is exceedingly busy as we begin our plans for staff, students and families for 2022.

At Pacific, we encourage all children to achieve the fullest possible development of their intellectual, social, physical, emotional and spiritual needs. We aim to provide the highest quality education in a supportive, inclusive and caring learning environment for each individual child, working to their strengths and focussing on areas that need attention. As an integral part of the process of creating positive learning environments, we strive to achieve the best possible class placement for every child. The College therefore considers the allocation of students to classes in each year level to be a very important process. For this reason, a very clear and detailed system is followed for determining each class composition. The College believes that such a system will enhance the educational environment for the students.

When devising class lists, the following aims are integral to Pacific.

Balancing the classes in the Year Level of:

  • Gender
  • Academic abilities
  • Behavioural traits
  • Learning styles
  • Age of the student
  • Class size

Foundation and Junior Primary staff will also consider:

  • Friendship groups
  • Social / emotional needs
  • Teaching styles
  • Student interests
  • Medical issues
  • Personal / family background (if applicable)

It is not the intention to:

  • Move a whole class group up from one year to the next, where all of the students in the class stay as the same cohort in the next year level
  • Place all new students in one class – they will be split amongst the classes of that year level
  • Weight the classes unevenly, except where appropriate to curriculum initiatives or programs of the College

This complex process takes a great deal of time, planning and reflection. All students will be asked to nominate 2 students that they work well with and 2 students that are their friends. All teachers will ensure that each child has one of those nominated within their class. I am sure you will support teachers in this process.

Mrs Sue Zweck, Head of Learning K-5