Change to Booking Process

Change to Booking Process

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

Firstly, we would like to welcome our new Pacific Lutheran College OSHC families to our Service. We hope that your children had a wonderful time with us over the holidays and that the friendships they formed made for an easier transition in the first week back at school.

It has been a very busy and exciting time for Pacific Lutheran OSHC with lots of new friends joining us. Our holiday program was filled with wonderful new experiences for the children and it was lovely to hear so many encouraging comments from our parents. As we jump into Term 1 there are some changes to our booking process that are important to note.

In the past, we have been flexible in receiving casual bookings from families. However, due to growing numbers, we are now limited to our Licensed Capacity. Our Service capacity is 35 children for After School Care (ASC) and Vacation Care and 20 children Before School Care (BSC). These numbers are also subject to a staff/child ratio, so it is important that we know bookings in advance.

On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, ASC is now fully booked and we are unable to take any more bookings for these sessions. We ask you to call our Service Leader Julie McCosker on 5436 7387 if you wish to book a day or cancel a day. We also remind families of the five working day notice period for cancellation and ask that if you are not going to use the day, please let Julie know so we can offer it to other families on a casual basis. 

If bookings are not made in advance through this method, we will not be able to confirm your child’s care. We understand the urgency of care for some families and we encourage you to talk to staff about you options. We recommend that families make permanent bookings so that refusal of care is avoided.

A waiting list will be maintained and families will be called in the order stated. At this stage we have availability for ASC on Thursdays and Fridays. BSC is filling up quickly so if you are considering these sessions, it is recommended you make permanent bookings with either Tanya or Julie. This will also apply to Vacation Care bookings. It is important that families speak to Tanya or Julie directly as the Service will no longer be able to accept walk in and last minute bookings. This information is in our enrolment pack.