Celebrating 20 Years of People Growing Together

Celebrating 20 Years of People Growing Together

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It was a delight to be able to come together as a K-12 community and connect with foundation parents, staff members, College Council members and students to celebrate our 20th Anniversary Chapel last Friday.  Bishop-elect of the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand Pastor Paul Smith, who was the first College Pastor gave an engaging message about the significance of the College’s logo.  Foundation student Sophie Kurz, foundation College Council Chair Mr Peter Hovey, foundation parent Mrs Leah Croke and Foundation staff member and Business Manager Mr Mike Healy shared memories of the early days at the College.  Our musicians added to the celebration through their high-quality performances.  The ceremony gave us the opportunity to thank our founding members of community including a special badge presentation to founding staff; Mrs Sue Zweck (Head of Learning K-5), Ms Sue Arahill (Director of Learning), Mrs Janine Stone (Head of Information Technology), Ms Carolyn Sainty (Administrative Assistant) and Mr Mike Healy (Business Manager).

The effort and care shown by our hospitality team who made over 1000 individual cupcakes iced in the College colours to cater for every person that was on campus on Friday, captured the Pacific way of being.  Since its very beginnings I have often asked the question, “how might we do this”? Staff, parents, students and College Council members have embraced the challenge, imagined and delivered well beyond what could be expected.

This is an example of the constant theme of very talented people, as staff, students, parents and College Council members who have come together with vision and great generosity of spirit throughout the 20 years of the College, to shape community and enhance the growth of people.  People have always been the strength of the College as we have lived out our mission of People the Focus, Learning the Purpose and Christ the Way.  From its earliest foundations, Pacific has been an evolving contemporary, dynamic and high-quality learning community that has focused on the growth of the whole person with a trust in a loving and gracious God that walks with us.  There has been a constancy of creative and capable people providing tremendous opportunities for students.

On Sunday we celebrated with the St Mark’s congregation the important role that they have played in the establishment and growth of the College. Pacific has benefitted from strong partnerships with St Marks and local schools including Immanuel Lutheran College, Lutheran Education Queensland and Independent Schools Queensland, plus support from local, State and Federal governments.

Each of us have been part of the story of shaping Pacific. Whether we have been associated with the College for a few weeks, months or over 20 years, each member of the community can be proud of their contribution.  It has been a tremendous journey and I thank you all for what you have given.  We are most thankful to a loving and gracious God who has provided so richly to this community.
