Casual Clothes Day

Casual Clothes Day

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Casual Clothes Day The College is holding a casual clothes day next Tuesday 21st May in support of the Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal. Students are requested to make a $2 donation. As winter nears, the Salvation Army and other charities report record numbers of requests for assistance within our local community.

Under Eights Week

Under Eights Week is an initiative of Early Childhood Australia and has been celebrated for more than 60 years. The theme this year is: Celebrating the diversity of languages within the home, culture and community. At Pacific, our Kindy to Year 2 students will celebrate Under Eights Week on Thursday 30th May, from 9.00am to 10.00am. The day will be a casual clothes day for these students as they have the opportunity to participate in a colour fun run as part of their celebrations. A flyer providing further details will be forwarded home to parents next week.

SchoolTV - Parenting Styles

There are so many different opinions offered on how best to parent. New parents will often have firm beliefs about how they wish to balance love and discipline, but this often goes out the window when a toddler throws their first tantrum in the supermarket!

In the latest SchoolTV Special Report, parents and caregivers can gain a greater understanding of the four defined parenting styles by taking part in a quiz. It can guide parents towards deciding which style they wish to adopt and the effects it may have on their children.

To learn more and take the quiz, visit: //

Mr David Druery, Head of Staff and Students P-5