Caring For Our Neighbours

Caring For Our Neighbours

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When we think about caring for our neighbours we may consider those who live close to us or those who belong to the same group and share the same views or background. Thinking more broadly we can see everyone who shares this planet as our neighbour requiring our care. We are all neighbours. The news regularly highlights stories where actions in one place impact lives around the world. There is a web of dependency that binds us together. Small actions can lead to significant gains when people act together to amplify kindness. Small actions like speaking to someone at a checkout, acting for the homeless or supporting those who are lonely, affected by domestic violence, illness or are shut in sends a ripple of kindness outward that is generative. Where this is pervasive in a community or group there is tremendous energy and possibility. Where we care for our patch of the environment, we are showing care for our neighbours around the world, including the plants and animals that cohabit with us as we enhance sustainability.

God encourages us to care for our neighbours from this broader perspective. We can be generators of care and kindness one action and one person at a time. With each pulse of love and care we provide energy for others to do the same.
