Careers News

Careers News

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Year 10 – Career Interviews and Senior Education Training Plans

At Pacific, we have started exploring career conversations to assist students in identifying possible career goals and then we are looking at pathways to help them achieve them.  Below is an overview of what has occurred with Year 10 students in these conversations.

A handful of students could not attend the career interview appointments in Week Eight or needed further guidance in their exploration. These appointments will be scheduled across Weeks 1-3 of Term 3.

There are some valuable resources to start exploring over the Winter holidays available in Nav:Year 11 and 12 Subject Selection Handbook 2025-2026

Videos on Subject Selection, Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), Vocation Education and Training (VET)

How to book a Careers Appointment  

Senior College students can now access the Careers Bookings Calendar and manage their own careers appointments, including inviting parents to join a meeting, either in person or via zoom.

Simply select the type of career- related appointment you would like and as a courtesy check with your teacher before you miss all or part of a lesson.

It is recommended that current Year 12 students schedule an appointments across next term to ensure they have sufficient time to work through their QTAC applications, which will open on the 1st August 2024.

Book appointments via the link: Pacific Lutheran Careers Support 


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Mrs Veronica Sanmarco, Head of Career Development