Career News!

Career News!

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Lattitude Global Volunteering – Information session at Pacific

A Lattitude volunteer will be speaking at Pacific Lutheran College on Thursday 31st May from 1-00-1.30pm in A5 with interested senior students and parents. If you are considering a Gap Year or volunteering experience abroad, this is your opportunity to hear from one organisation who caters specifically for young people aged 17-25years. International experiences can vary from two-and-a half months to 11 months. Please RSVP your interest in attending, to Mrs Purcell . Further details regarding Lattitude can be found here

Finding an apprenticeship or traineeship – case studies

Not sure about what an apprenticeship ‘looks like,’ what’s involved or how to find employers? The Australian Apprenticeships My Gain website has videos in which apprentices and trainees talk about their work and how they went about finding it.  See the My Gain website to access the video.

My Skills website

This site is an Australian Government website where you can find information about nationally recognised training courses, registered training organisations and financial assistance. You can find out information on the following industries:

  • Agriculture and Food processing
  • Arts and Culture
  • Business, Education and Training,
  • Construction and Mining
  • Defence industry
  • Design
  • Government, Safety and Environment
  • Sports and Recreation
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Transport
  • Utilities
  • Health and Community Services
  • Manufacturing and Engineering
  • Retail, Hair and Beauty Services
  • Science and Technology

Each sector has a ‘Skills in Demand’ section which lists the skill shortages in every state and territory.  Case studies and videos of people who have completed their training and gained entry to their preferred jobs are included.

Mrs Natasha Purcell, Careers Counsellor