Care at Pacific

Care at Pacific

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At Pacific, care in education has been a central aim from the beginning. As a school, we see care as a non-judgemental attitude, which extends in a number of directions: self, others, our environment and so on. Care is linked closely with empathy, the ability to feel as others feel and take on their perspectives. It is at the core of friendships and relationships.

Recently, our Pastoral Care teachers have had individual care conversations with students in their group. The purpose of these discussions is for students to reflect on their mid-year reports and how they are travelling on their educational journey. This process involved self-reflection by the students as well as goal setting for the future. These conversations happen formally twice a year, but in an informal way, teachers and students are continually having care conversations.

As students experience the day-to-day life of the College, it is hoped they get a sense of compassion and community, which are central to a life well lived. The philosopher Heidegger saw a rich sense of care as bringing humans back to their essence. Care is not just important when we are under pressure; it is the continuous process of mastering the art of living a good human life, one that is aimed primarily at human flourishing.