Camp Buranga

Camp Buranga

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Camp Buranga was an experience of a lifetime. From the activities to the food, this camp was spectacular and it helped us gain more knowledge in our favourite subjects at school. There were six subjects including English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Visual Arts and Singing. The camp was run over two amazing days of learning, new experiences and getting to know other people.

In Mathematics, students made gardens in shoeboxes using their knowledge and understanding of area and calculation. Although it was hard work, it was fun too.

In Visual Arts, students painted on silk. We got to express our feelings and imagination through painting. The singing group was taught by two amazing teachers and also had a craft support teacher. We also made our own props in preparation for the showcase.

English was very interesting and exciting as we explored how to make an online magazine. We had to base the magazine on something that inspired us. The magazine included articles, images and a front page.

The Technology group participated in activities such as Hour of Code, where we built a flappy bird game, a marble run, painting with Sphero and building a robot. The best activity was the robots where we built sumo-wrestling bots.

Saving the best to last: Science! In Science we tested the alkalinity and acidity (pH) of house hold objects, made balloon powered cars and created a structure from newspaper and sticky tape that was big enough to fit a person inside.

All of these subjects helped to broaden our knowledge and meet new people.

Sebastian Box, Erika Christensen, Sophie Wilkinson, Amie Hague, Jasmin Groves, Charles Box, Holly Williams and Varsh Surapaneni, Year 6 Students
