Building Works

Building Works

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Included in newsletter

Families will have noticed that construction works have now commenced on the conversion of the H2 classroom into a hospitality kitchen. This has caused some disruption to foot and vehicle traffic in the Middle/Senior College car park and we apologise for any inconvenience.

Shortly, construction will begin on the extensions to Early Learning Centre. This project is expected to run into early 2017. The extensions involve building over the existing temporary car park on the western side of the building. Replacement parking is being constructed at either end of the middles/senior drop-off area and additional temporary parking will be set out on the grass area. But, there will be some overlap between when the construction commences later this term and when the new parking is fully available (Term 4 2016 and Term 1 2017).

This means that, during the construction period, parking in the Middle/Senior car park will be severely curtailed at times. During these periods, we will ask families using middle/senior drop-off not to arrive before 3.15pm unless they are able to leave immediately. Students who are released from class prior to 3.15pm and have to wait for an older sibling will be able to sit in the newly constructed shelters until they can be collected after 3.15pm.

Please keep an eye on the Compass newsletter for further updates.
