Building Emotional Intelligence

Building Emotional Intelligence

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Last term I wrote about Linda Lantieri’s new book, Building Emotional Intelligence. In it she discusses how nature provides moments for stillness as we connect to something larger than ourselves. Being in nature calls us to be in our bodies and reconnect the mind and body. At the most basic level, outside there is room for children to run, shout and play, releasing pent up energy from their bodies. They can breathe more deeply outdoors and looking at a faraway horizon or sky can also help children gain perspective on our world.

At the end of last term, our Year 10 students returned from their two-week camp at Uki. During this time, they were encouraged to connect with nature and reflect on its ongoing importance to all of us. During the holidays, some of our Year 9-12 students took part in the Mount Barney National Park hiking expedition. Next week, the Year 9 students will have their outdoor experience in nature at Somerset Dam and we wish them well.

We hope that all Pacific students enjoyed some time outside with nature during the recent holiday break. Given the busy, sometimes frenzied nature of our lives, research shows that contemplative moments in nature can help provide inner balance and flow.

Mr Brendan Delaney, Director of Students