Booking Policy and Cancellations

Booking Policy and Cancellations

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We take this opportunity to remind the Pacific community that spaces in OSHC are very limited. After School Care (ASC) on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is now fully booked and space on Thursdays is very limited. At this stage, BSC is also filling up quickly. We invite all parents to call the Service and speak with Julie McCosker (Service Leader) or Tanya Sheldrick (OSHC Coordinator) to discuss your care needs or to make extra bookings. It is also important that families understand we will no longer be able to accept walk in and last minute ASC bookings.

We encourage families to make permanent booking so that refusal of care is avoided. Our Service capacity is 35 ASC and Vacation Care and 20 BSC. These numbers are also subject to a staff/child ratio, so it is important that children are on the roll in advance. An active waiting list is being maintained and families will be called in the order stated on the waiting list document. This will also apply to Vacation Care bookings. Booking sheets will be date stamped to ensure the first returned is first booked in.

Please remember that we have a five working day notice of cancellation to receive no charge, unless we can sell on your child’s place. This information is in our enrolment information. If you cancel we may be able to give your place to another family on our wait list. Please call OSHC on 5436 7328 or Julie on 54367387 during the day. If bookings are not made in advance through these methods, we will not be able to confirm your children/child’s care.