Book Club

Book Club

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Included in newsletter

Book Club order forms were sent home this week. Book Club is issued twice a term to students in Year P-7. Parents may order online or by sending the order forms to the library. Orders are due by this Monday, 11th February.

Lunchtime Activities

The library is a hub of activity at lunchtimes. Every day students come to the library to read, work, and socialise but we also have a number of teacher-run activities as well. For middle and senior students there is the Virtual Reality Zone, as well as board games and adult colouring books. For students in P-6 we run the following activities:

  • Monday – computer skills for Years 2-3
  • Tuesday – each term we focus on a different technology such as animation, Osmo etc. This term we are doing Minecraft.
  • Wednesday – theme-based activities. This week we focused on Chinese New Year.
  • Thursday – craft skills such as crochet or knitting
  • Friday – board games

Ms Nell Keen, Head of Library
