Being Self Aware

Being Self Aware

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One of the key personal competencies is to be self-aware. When we are self-aware we are more able to see things from the perspective of others, practice self-control, make better decisions, work creatively and productively and have better communication.  Being self-aware is the ability to step back from our thoughts and reflect on how our actions are matching the picture of our best selves.  We can enhance our self-awareness by finding times to be still and reflect on a daily basis about how our words and actions have impacted others, by paying attention to changes of emotion, understanding what triggers those and controlling our responses, taking action to re-centre ourselves such as walking, exercising or reading and listening fully to others. 

God invites us to come into a quiet still space with Him, to rest and to rejuvenate. Prayer can provide those times of solitude where we speak and listen to God. Reflection on God’s word can help us to develop a greater sense of self-awareness as it can provide a mirror that enables us to see ourselves better. Within His word there is always the promise of His love, forgiveness and being able to start anew. Being renewed and more self-aware, we can then bring our better selves into the next moment.

Ackerman, C.E. What is Self-Awareness and Why Is It Important. Retrieved 4 November 2021 from
