Begin With The End In Mind

Begin With The End In Mind

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Taking note of Stephen’s Covey’s (1988) second habit, “to begin with the end in mind”, can help us to learn and live well as we begin a new term and even each new day. Having clarity around who we want to be and what we want to do helps us to live purposefully in both the short and long term. This involves us making decisions around the personal, ethical, moral and spiritual dimensions of our lives as well as considering what we want to achieve. Taking time to imagine and visualise our desired future selves reduces the likelihood of being blown around by the circumstances in which we find ourselves. Covey advises us to “keep the main thing, the main thing” and “lean our ladder against the right wall”. Beginning with the end in mind helps us to be intentional, take the long view, to be proactive and more resilient. 

Growing understanding of who we are in relationship to God and to others helps us to centre on the important parts of our lives. As we start this new day and this new term, let us all pause to imagine our best future selves, feeling the comfort of a loving and gracious God who guides, strengthens and encourages.

(Covey S, Books, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Habit 2, Begin With the End in Mind,, accessed Oct 5 2017)
