Baby Bundles
Baby Bundles
As part of the St Mark’s Lutheran Church Caloundra congregation’s outreach to the wider community, we prepare Baby Bundles to give to struggling families. These bundles are passed on to Community Health Caloundra for distribution. Over the past 14 years we have assembled hundreds of bundles to show God’s love to people in need.
In past years, families from Pacific Lutheran College have been generous in donating items, used and new, for the bundles. We are appealing to families again to help us with donations that assist in this ministry.
Each bundle contains clothing for newborns up to about size 2 and items such as bunny rugs, sheets, baby shoes and soft toys, depending on availability. The bundles also include some consumable items such as baby wipes, baby cream, powder, disposable nappies and hair brushes.
If anyone has any of these items in good condition and would like to donate them, it would be greatly appreciated. Even if you could perhaps purchase one or two items of consumables or clothing when you do your shop, this would be greatly appreciated. Just one or two items from each College family would make a great difference. These bundles go to very needy families and are much appreciated.
If you would like to give to this worthy cause or know more about it, please contact our Baby Bundle Coordinator, Robyn Kruger, by phone on 5493 6968. Thank you in advance for your support.