Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC)

Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC)

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Included in newsletter

Students who have achieved very high grades in Semester 1 have been invited to participate in this year’s AMC. If your child has not been invited and you wish them to participate, please contact Mr Adam Doyle or their maths teacher before the competition next week. Year 8-12 students will sit this competition on Thursday 28th July. They will need to bring pencils, erasers, ruler and compass (optional) to rooms H3-H5 at 8.45am, after being marked off at PCG. Year 3-7 students will sit their AMC on Friday 29th July, also in rooms H3-H5 (above the Hospitality kitchen), straight after chapel. They are to bring pencils, erasers, ruler and compass (optional) and they are allowed to bring a calculator (not iPad). Maths teachers have some practice papers for those students who are interested. Good luck to all of our young mathematicians!

Mr Adam Doyle, Head of Mathematics
