Apple Power Adapter Recall

Apple Power Adapter Recall

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

As notified in a previous newsletter, Apple has recalled the two prong wall plug adapters that were shipped between 2003 and 2015. The details of this recall are at:

As a service to parents, students and staff, Pacific has arranged for a bulk supply of these replacement plugs to be delivered to the College and have established a temporary collection point for the faulty plugs that need to be returned to Apple.

If you have an adapter that is eligible for exchange, please bring it into the IT Department so we can exchange them for you. A faulty unit needs to be handed in to authorise a replacement.

We have a set time period to make these exchanges and then all adapters will be returned to SmileIT (the local Apple Service agent). Please bring your faulty adapters in by end of day, Friday 18th March.

Please contact IT directly if you have any queries.
