Before and After School Care / Vacation Care

Before and After School Care / Vacation Care

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Included in newsletter

How long has it been since you popped into the Outside School Hour Care (OSHC) rooms? We are here every morning from 6.30am to 8.30am and in the afternoon from 3.00pm to 6.00pm. Feel free to call and organise a visit, we would love to show you around and introduce you to some of the team. Have you seen our new window dressings…the OSHC room now has portholes! Have a look inside and see what the children and staff are up too. The array of experiences on offer is amazing!

Vacation care will soon be here again. We have been speaking with the children, families and staff about the type of activities that they would like to participate in during the next school holidays. Throughout the school holidays, our service offers many experiences for children to explore places that they may not have been to and to take on challenges with confidence. The children are guided by our supportive team and encouraged by their peers. Pacific Lutheran OSHC is committed to ensuring that children have the self-confidence to try new things and a genuine interest in the experiences offered. The program is almost ready for release so keep an eye on your letter box!

Over the last two terms, we have started an active kids program on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. The activities are designed to involve all children and to promote an active and healthy lifestyle. Drew and Jess are our coordinators and have been providing the children with a variety of sporting experiences. Some of the experiences include T-Ball, Foxes and Hounds, Pac Man, Line Tiggy, Red Rover, obstacle courses, Cricket, Soccer, Football and Relays. These experiences help to build confidence, leadership skills, social skills and friendships. The children learn how to play in a team and with children of different ages. The program is a collaboration of the children’s interests and input.

A friendly reminder that due to increased numbers in our Before School Care (BSC) and After School Care (ASC) Programs it is important to make regular bookings. Vacation Care booking forms also need to be returned by the due date. Please give staff as much notice as possible if your child is not attending. There are a few ways that you can contact us to ensure that this information is passed on quickly, the best is to call the OSHC office on 5436 7328 and leave a message. Please ensure if you are making a booking, you confirm your request with a staff member before attending the service.

We encourage families to make permanent bookings so that refusal of care can be avoided. We have limited space on a number of days. Our service capacity is 35 ASC and Vacation care and 15 BSC. These numbers are also subject to a staff child ratio, so it is important that we know in advance and can confirm bookings.

Don’t forget afternoon tea! There is a named basket out in the morning for the children to put their healthy snacks in. It is refrigerated throughout the day so when the children are ready in the afternoon it is fresh and cool. Children are also welcome to leave a water bottle. 

If you have any questions, please contact Tanya on 5436 7328 or email

Ms Tanya Sheldrick, OSHC Coordinator