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This term, our focus as a Junior College will be about achievement and what it can take to achieve a goal. On Monday morning’s assembly, Mrs. Atkinson spoke to the Junior College about confidence, and growing as a confident person enables us to achieve. Mrs. Atkinson had key points that can grow our confidence including;

  • Visualising success- having a picture in your mind of achieving a goal
  • Believe in your ability to improve.
  • Having a growth mindset- a belief we all can improve, and
  • Practice failure

As technologies continue to evolve our lives can become easier to navigate. We have the combined world knowledge at our fingertips and are increasingly connected. Although at times, the struggle or practice of failure can be missed. Encouraging our children to keep resilience in the face of adversity encourages confidence and resilience and provides a “working tough” mentality when faced with challenges. Starting small with achievable goals can help to create a positive mindset. By giving effort and promoting an “I can do it” encourages us all to enhance our agency and flourish as learners and as individuals.

Entry and Exit

With the reintroduction of the community onto the College, the parking around the College has been put under increased pressure. All carparks, particularly at pick up, are very busy. Our staggered finish times are designed to have specific areas of the College clear for all areas to flow adequately. Below are key reminders to alleviate congestion.

  • The P-2 carpark is available for all parents with a child in the Foundation College.
  • Parents across P-2 with additional children in Years 3 and above, will be able to drop and pick up from this car park or if more convenient, collect them from the Year 3-12 drop off zone.
  • Students, unless siblings of foundation students across Years 3-5, must be collected from the Year 3-5 drop off space.
  • On Wednesday, your child will receive two laminated cards for use in multiple cars with your family name to access to the P-2 carpark.
  • Parents and guardians are welcome to use the Stop and Go space in the P-2 carpark, but we ask you to remain with your car and move off quickly to enable traffic to continue to flow.

By arriving near to or just after children are released from classes, saves time for you as a family, supports a smooth flow of traffic and creates space for others.

P-5 Parent Information Evening

We thank-you for the support of Prep-5 information evening last Wednesday night. The night provided an opportunity to connect with the Junior College Admin as well as your child’s teacher. If you were unable to attend last week, the presentation in the Gym has been recorded and communication regarding the viewing of the evening has been emailed home during the week.

Parents and Community on Campus.

This week we have the pleasure of being able to welcome our wider community back to our chapels and assemblies here at the college. As COVID restrictions remain, attendance must be within the guidelines and all adults are required to use the QR code for each event, sanitise on entry and maintain social distancing. We look forward to including you in our celebrations and worships.

Take care and God Bless.

Mr Damian Davis, Head of Staff and Students P-5