9-12yrs District Primary Athletics Carnival

9-12yrs District Primary Athletics Carnival

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Included in newsletter

Notices have now been sent home to students in our Junior Athletics Team. The District Primary Athletics Carnival will be held at the Sunshine Coast University Sports Precinct on Thursday 28th July. If you have not already returned the consent form to Mrs Natalie Campbell, please do so immediately. 

Students will need to be at school in time for the bus to leave at 7.50am next Thursday. This departure time will ensure we arrive in adequate time for warm up and for the first event. Please be respectful of those students competing in the first events by arriving on time. The bus will depart from the bus stop in front of school. Full sports uniform should be worn including hats. Pacific athletics singlets will be handed out at the venue.

Mrs Natalie Campbell, Acting Head of Junior Sport
