Library Update
Library Update
The Tiger who Came to Tea!
This event has unfortunately been postponed to a later date to be advised.
New Senior Area Open
The extension to the library was completed over the holidays, creating a new space for our Senior classes and for Senior students on study lines. The large windows have made the library much lighter and look out onto the new courtyard. The area has already proved popular with students, particularly the booths for group work and the couches. Some more furniture will go in over the next couple of weeks, including small group tables, a dedicated Senior fiction area and a virtual reality area.
Book Club
Book Club orders close on Monday, 22nd October.
Thinkers Club
It was fabulous to welcome some girls to tHinker Club on Weds afternoon for a marshmallow engineering challenge – fun, sticky and delicious! Next week we are starting some digital art which should also be a lot of fun. We would love to have some more new faces join us.
Ms Nell Keen, Head of Library