Career News

Career News

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Medicine Experience Day UQ

MedView will be hosting in Brisbane, a Medicine Experience Day called ‘A day in the life of a doctor’ for students and parents in Brisbane and surrounding areas. This unique event will give students (and parents) an opportunity to learn valuable medical and surgical skills, speak one-on-one with doctors and medical students, and put themselves on a path to a successful career as a doctor.


When: Saturday 29th September 2018 (September school holidays)

Where: The University of Queensland, St Lucia campus. (Exact rooms to be confirmed)

Who: students and parents interested in medicine, years 10-12

Registration: $10 for prospective medicine students, free for parents/guests!

register online at

The interactive session will also cover:

  • Career options in medicine
  • Workshops (clinical skills, surgical skills, & case-based learning)
  • Tips and tricks for UMAT, GAMSAT and Multiple Mini Interview (MMI)
  • Academic requirements for top universities and resources to help you meet them
  • Life of a medical student (pre-clinical and clinical years) and doctor career experience opportunities
  • Leading speakers amongst Queensland's best Surgeons and Physicians will be in attendance. To be announced in the next week

Tafe Open Day

Mooloolaba Campus Open Day

Mooloolaba Campus
34 Lady Musgrave Dr,
Mountain Creek 

When: 10:00am - 2:00pm on Friday 12th October

Subject Areas: Hospitality, Cookery, Tourism & Events, Fashion, Hair & Beauty, Early Childhood, Sport & Fitness, Health & Nursing, IT

Nambour Campus Open Day
Nambour Campus
91 Windsor Rd,
Burnside QLD 4560

When: 10:00am - 2:00pm on Friday 12th October

Subject Areas: Trades, Screen & Media, Music & Sound Production, Visual Arts, Photography, Graphic Design

Mrs Natasha Purcell, Careers Counsellor