Book of the Year Announced

Book of the Year Announced

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Book Week kicks off each year with the announcement of the winners of the Book of the Year competition. A panel of judges, one from each state, read the books published in Australia for children and decide on a shortlist of six in each category and choose a winner. Students have been reading the short-listed books in library lessons this term and trying to work out which one they think should win.

The winners are:

Older Readers: TAKE THREE GIRLS by Cath Crowley, Simmone Howell & Fiona Wood

Younger Readers: How to Bee by Bren MacDibble

Early Childhood: Rodney Loses it! By Michael Gerard Bauer

Picture Book: A Walk in the Bush by Gwyn Perkins

Information Book: Do Not Lick this Book by Idan Ben-Barak
