P-5 News

P-5 News

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Included in newsletter

P-2 Carpark Safety Before and After School

The Prep- Year 2 car park can become congested, particularly with the ongoing building works occurring at the moment.  Often parents/guardians are hurrying to drop of children on the way to work or in the afternoons, rushing to collect students for after school activities. I would like to remind parents/guardians that there is a speed limit of 10kms in all College car parks.   Often students are alighting from vehicles and moving through the car park. To ensure their safety parents are reminded to adhere to speed limits and not to park in the drop off zones on the prep or eastern side of the carpark. Parking in the drop off zones causes increased congestion as parents attempt to drop off or pick up their children whilst stopped on the roadway. Drivers are also reminded to follow signage and road markings and the directions of staff on duty.  Your assistance in keeping our students safe and lessening stress and congestion in the carpark is most appreciated.

Prep-Year 5 Signing Students in and out of School

A reminder to parents of Prep- Year 5 students, when signing your children in or out please do this in the P-5 office which is located adjacent to the Year 2 building.

P-2 Athletics

All P-2 students have begun preparing for their Athletics Carnival which will be held on Monday, 3rd September. The Carnival will start at 9.00am and will be completed by 10.30am. Parents are most welcome to attend this exciting event.

Year 4 Camp

Year 4 camp will be held on 23rd and 24th August at Alex Park.  A letter giving details of the camp, permission slips and medical forms will be forwarded home.  Should you have any questions regarding camp please contact either your child’s teacher or myself.

Communication with Staff 

Often parents need to communicate information to their child’s teachers regarding changes of routine (such as how and with whom a child is travelling home, attendance at appointments or attendance at After School Hours Care), exemption from participation in sport, specialist lessons or activities due to injury or illness. Each morning parents verbally advise teachers of such changes.  To avoid confusion and to ensure students are where they are meant to be particularly at the end of the day, I would ask that parents put all of these changes in writing. There are a number of ways parents can communicate with staff. All teachers can be contacted by e-mail. Teachers in Prep –Year 2 classes can also be contacted through communication books which parents can write in informing teachers of changes to routines. Thirdly a short note can be sent with students advising teachers of changes in routines or of their inability to participate in activities.

I appreciate your support in assisting teachers in ensuring the wellbeing of students in regard to their travel arrangements, attendance at appointments and their appropriate levels of involvement in sport, specialist lessons or activities.


A reminder that the College hat is an important element of the school uniform.  A number of students are already presenting to school each day without a hat. During breaks students need to wear a hat or they are required to stay out of the sun.  Students should also wear their hats when travelling to and from the College. All parents/guardians are asked to ensure that children are bringing/wearing a hat to school each day. 

Mr David Druery, Head of Staff and Students P-5