P-5 Update

P-5 Update

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Included in newsletter

Welcome to the new term. I hope all families spent a relaxing and enjoyable time together over the holidays.

Parent Teacher Conferences  

Research continues to recognise the important role that parental support plays in creating an environment in which children can achieve their academic potential.  Next week parent teacher conferences will be held for P-5 students. The conferences provide an ideal opportunity for parents, teachers and students to discuss each child’s progression and development. Although the conferences are not compulsory I would encourage parents to attend these conferences if they have questions regarding their child’s academic performance and development.

You Can Do it

This term in P-5 the focus for the You Can Do it Program relates to developing persistence and the habits of mind related to Working Tough, Giving Effort and developing an I can do it attitude. Persistence means trying hard and not giving up when something feels like it is too hard to do. Examples of persistent behaviour include;

  • Continuing to try even when work is hard
  • Not being distracted by others
  • Checking work when it is finished

Often students need to experience what it feels like to succeed if they are to be successful in the future. Success or achievement does not come without effort and persistence.  Success is not about reaching a particular level of achievement rather it is for each individual achieving their individual potential. Parents can support and develop persistence in their children by always encouraging effort and recognizing success.

The concept of Persistence fits neatly with developing positive types of thinking skills. The You Can Do It program not only fosters the development of thinking, it supports children in achieving to the best of their ability and aids them in developing social and emotional wellbeing and emotional resilience. 


A hat is an important piece of the College uniform.  It is great to see many of the students out on the ovals or playing in the grounds during breaks.  Each student is required to wear a hat at breaks and when travelling to and from school. I would ask all parents to encourage and remind all students to wear a hat to school every day.


Students in Years 1-5 may only wear their sports uniform to school on the days they have HPE. Years 4 and 5 students may also wear their HPE uniforms to school on Thursdays.  There may also be rare occasions during the year when students may be requested to wear their sports uniform to school for carnivals or excursions. On all other occasions students should attend school in their formal uniform.

I realise that on occasions students have no choice but to wear the wrong shoes or uniform to school.   If for some reason your child is unable to wear the correct uniform to school, please send a note to your child’s class teacher advising them of the reason for wearing the wrong uniform.  A uniform reminder letter will be forwarded to parents whose children are in the wrong uniform without a note.

Mr David Druery, Head of Staff and Students P-5